To Feel Down Without Feeling Guilty: It Is Possible

Feeling down without feeling guilty: It is possible

How wonderful will it be to feel that you do not have to smile if you do not want to? Wouldn’t it feel good to tell the world, “World, today I do not want to go out. I do not want to see anyone ”. Sometimes you just want to be alone with yourself as the only company. You wish it was easier to communicate when you feel down without feeling the knot in your stomach. In short, without feeling guilty.

Best of all, it would be if others accepted your wishes and only came back when you lit your “opened” sign again. No complaints and no lectures. Sometimes you deserve to curl up alone, gather your strength and travel it renewed.

Bad days are necessary, especially to appreciate the good ones. The magic of comparing and contrasting can teach us a lot if we notice it. Because it is not enough to know that roses have thorns; we must also learn to get away from the thorns and make sure they do not harm us.

A woman feels down and cries

Feeling guilty for feeling down

The feeling is more common than you think. Not everything in life is perfect. What happens is that society does not allow us to show that we feel down. In fact, showing it makes us feel guilty and convicted.

If you say you’re sad, people will make you feel weird. You feel that they think you are worthless. But then there are others who feel sorry for you and try to encourage you and make you go out. They can not handle other people feeling down. It’s not very comfortable. Therefore, we try to cover it up.

Maybe what happens is that seeing someone sad reminds you when you also felt that way. In a society that says you should hide sadness, it is not easy to accept it.

But you should not have to hide it if you feel down, or at least you should not feel guilty about it. It’s a part of life. Bad days exist and it’s okay if they happen. They do not hurt as much as it seems. They’re just there to show us we need something. Therefore, it is important to listen to yourself when you are not feeling well.

Forcing yourself to act differently than how you feel on the inside is exhausting. Painting a smile on your face weakens your strength. But if you let go of your emotions, you can get over them. And if you accept it as necessary, you may not feel so guilty.

The best refuge: yourself

On bad days, yourself is the best place to seek refuge. It’s the best of both worlds: loneliness, but also company – your own company. You can ventilate without feeling guilty, and you can reach out to a helping hand.

Find a place where you can turn off your lights and look at what happened to the bulbs. Then you can fix them and turn on the lights again. Find a place where you can go and hang up a sign that says you are closed for the day.

A woman embraces herself

Listen to what your emotions are trying to tell you. After all, going out and pretending to be happy does not do anything for you, since it will only make your emotions turn up the volume on alarms and repairs are harder to do.

Embrace yourself. Release the bad feelings, with the sole purpose of feeling and understanding them. Dedicating time to yourself is necessary, and you should not feel guilty about it.

Let the world continue to spin. You come back when you have enough strength… there is no pressure.

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