Toxic Bosses – The Main Characteristics

Toxic bosses - the main characteristics

Toxic bosses are those who abuse the power of their position.  Work psychology studies indicate that good relationships between team members mean better productivity and progress. Despite these studies, there are still many bosses who use methods and behaviors that are harmful to their employees.

There is a certain feudal heritage in such “leaders”. They have a dictatorial mindset around power.  This is why they are not worried that their behavior is causing harm.  They see the business or organization as a machine that needs to function properly. Their subordinates are just gears in the machine. Toxic bosses are more focused on the results than the process.

Researchers find time and time again that  positive leadership leads to greater efficiency. In the long run, democratic and horizontal models generate greater respect among workers.

An authentic leader exercises his moral authority over everything else. They do not rely on coercion or punishment to make their employees feel committed to the goals of the company. Instead, they motivate and reward them. This encourages a sense of belonging and motivates employees to be more committed to their jobs.

A toxic boss is addicted to fear. This is the tool this type of manager uses to get employees to comply with company goals.  Although this model works in the short term, it will lead to a stagnant organization in the long term. In addition, staff will feel frustrated and will want to quit their jobs as soon as they have the opportunity. A toxic boss is detrimental to the organization as a whole. Furthermore, we will discuss some of the most common characteristics of this type of boss.

Toxic bosses are arrogant

A toxic boss believes that their power makes them better than anyone else.  It does not matter how they ended up in their high position, they always feel superior. In addition, they believe that they have the right to treat others as less important, simply because they are the boss.

Man sprays fire

This arrogance manifests itself in body language, tone of voice and facilitation style. Toxic bosses want to be scary.  They interpret their employees’ fears as something positive. Their arrogance is always linked to insecurity and lack of self-confidence, more than true superiority.

They do not know how to listen or communicate

One of the most obvious signs of a toxic boss is how difficult it is for them to listen to others.  This type of boss believes that listening to his employees shows them undeserved importance. They assume that if they listen to their subordinates, the power they have over them will be reduced.

A toxic boss does not know how to communicate.  In fact, their instructions can be unnecessarily complicated. They do it on purpose, to try to scare their employees. A toxic boss speaks in absolutes to try to emphasize that they have the last word when it comes to everything. It is common for toxic bosses not to appreciate what others say. They can do this with indifference, or by asking questions of employees in a disrespectful way.

They are controlling and inflexible

Toxic bosses do not understand the difference between management and control.  Nor do they see the difference between leading and commanding. They do not trust the people they work with. As a result, they believe that the best strategy is to control everything. They assume that their job is to monitor and punish what they consider to be misconduct.

Toxic boss shark

Toxic bosses are also inflexible. They see situations in black and white.  They assume that strength is the same as inflexibility, and if they are not extremely strict, people will see them as weak. That’s why you can not ask questions about their orders, and they introduce their ideas. Employees must do everything exactly as they say, otherwise they will be punished.

They do not know how to handle conflicts

This type of boss sees anger as something positive. They believe that bad mood and irritability is a sign of a serious and responsible employee.  Then they interpret these qualities as an expression of commitment and thoroughness. Consequently, they often sound annoyed when giving orders, or “solving” problems at work by shouting. They think they have the right to “scold” their employees.

If they have a problem with an employee, their solution is to impose new orders or give some kind of punishment.  They do not tend to care that the people they work with feel uncomfortable. If others do not follow the rules exactly, they get angry and see these people as weak. A toxic boss creates a tense and repressed environment. They believe that this will encourage their employees to work harder.

They reject the initiative of others

Taking the initiative is a sign of autonomy, strength and ability. Therefore,  a toxic boss feels threatened by an employee who takes the initiative.  They may even think that the employee exceeds the limits and challenges their authority. Toxic bosses reject anyone with ideas for innovation or improvement.

Toxic boss yells at employee

For this type of boss, there is only one way to do things – their way.  Employees quickly learn that thinking for themselves or trying to make a contribution is a way to provoke their toxic boss. Ultimately, the organization suffers. The behavior of the boss or supervisor makes it impossible for employees to enrich the organization or business with new ideas.

They do not know how to handle time

Proper handling of time is important to monitor and guide staff and avoid problems. One of the things that makes someone a bad boss is poor management of time .  This includes poor planning and prioritization of activities.

Poor time management creates a chaotic workplace. Employees often have to complete their work tasks in record time. Or there are stretches of time where they have nothing to do. In these cases, the workplace feels unstable and disorganized. As a result, employees feel  stressed  and tense.

They do not know the needs of employees

Bad bosses have no idea what their employees need. In fact, they have no interest in finding out. They believe that personal things are inappropriate or irrelevant in the workplace.  They see people’s personal lives as an obstacle to getting the job done.

Boss puts pressure on employee

A toxic boss believes that their employees’ personal needs have nothing to do with work responsibilities. Because they see everything in black and white, they assume that personal problems are just an excuse that employees use to justify a day off or incomplete work. Toxic bosses find it very difficult to see their employees as whole people.

The Working Environment Act around the world tries to protect workers,  but the reality is that there are many bosses who push the boundaries of what is legal. They subtly ignore workers’ rights and hide their violent attitudes behind the unpredictability of human relationships.

Toxic bosses abound in times of crisis. They know they can cross the line, and most of their employees will not say anything because they are afraid of losing their jobs. Nevertheless, all employees should know their rights, and be aware that they can speak with respect if they think they are being  abused.

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