True Love Is Rendered With Love

True love is rendered with love

We all deserve to experience true love that pushes us to get better every day, with honesty and without preconditions. The kind of feeling that soothes your fears and nourishes you on the inside. The kind that allows us to be our true self, that makes us happy and never causes conscious harm.

We all deserve to find ourselves in someone else’s heart and to feel that we can communicate with them without having to pretend or have trouble keeping them close. We all deserve that love should flow and that rationality and emotion  will align with each other.

Find the love of your life every day in the same person

If it is allowed to grow, love is the most satisfying and joyful feeling in all its forms. This is why falling in love should never feel bitter if returned sincerely and openly.

Love is both commitment and freedom. It encourages you to choose the same person to share your life with over and over again. It is to understand cooperation in a relationship and to take advantage of it to create your own world where you can feel safe.

It is to realize that the most beautiful things in life cost three times as much, and not to forget this over the years. There are renewed emotions, collecting a puzzle where the commonplace fits into disharmony, and taking the risk of jumping into the unknown, even when you know you can fall.

Love knows nothing but tenderness, respect and mutual love. It is warmth, impulse, idealization, meaning and life. So why do we accept when it gets cruel? Why do we keep calling it “love” when there is nothing left of it?

man gives flowers to woman

If it causes harm, it is not true love

The simple but complicated experience of being in love makes people accept unacceptable situations. Love that obliges you to suffer in search of the ends you see in movies is not real. Love sometimes hurts, but it never causes harm intentionally.

When two people love each other, the only goal that exists is to see the other person happy, even if they decide to leave for some reason. It is not mutual love if it is toxic. It is not healthy if you have to deny who you are in order to maintain it.

If there is jealousy, ignorance, and psychological and / or physical abuse , it cannot be called love, because true love is repaid by love and affection.

You have to love yourself first

Society will make us believe that one person loves another in order to feel complete and not feel alone. It’s the idea of ​​finding your “other half” that you are missing, to complete yourself and be happy. However, this perception is erroneous and even dangerous.

woman holding a heart

In fact, some of the greatest thinkers in history have defended the impossibility of loving another person unless you love yourself first. This will indicate that we are already complete, and that we must cultivate self-love before we can share it with others.

If you want to have an honest relationship where you can offer each other the opportunity to get to know each other, you must first know yourself. Understand exactly what you are looking for, what your fears and desires are, how you can grow personally, and the extent to which the other person will change their path. In other words, to love someone well, you must love yourself and be prepared for both.

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