What Are The Benefits Of Humor?

Have you ever wondered what the benefits of humor are? Science has been studying the many benefits for quite some time. Learn more in this article!
What are the benefits of humor?

Have you ever wondered what the benefits of humor are? When we are in a good mood, doubt and worry disappear from our minds, and we are left with a sense of true satisfaction. Laughter is a mysterious gift we are all born with.

Although it may seem like an uncomplicated topic, the truth is that humor is related to the anthropological roots of people and their various manifestations. Humor is in literature, movies, comics, jokes, cartoons, magic, etc. As Sigmund Freud said:  “Humor is a way to find joy, despite the disturbing effects that border on it.”

Humor and science

Scientific research on humor began with the development of human science. In fact, Freud himself dedicated a few pages to his work, Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious. However, psychologists began studying humor only about 30 years ago, and they studied it as human behavior. Until then, the subject had been seen as unimportant in relation to subjects such as social psychology and clinical psychology.

However, we must remember that studies, scientific research, and theories of humor are in full swing to this day. In fact, there are specific journals dedicated to this topic, such as Humor: International Journal of Humor Research. What is the reason behind this eagerness to study the science of humor? The answer is clear: Humor has a number of benefits. It even has the ability to heal us.

Friends laugh

What is humor?

Humor is unpredictable and surprising. According to Ángel Rodríguez Idígoras, it would be cruel to include the definition of it in just a few words. Jardiel Poncela thinks the same, and that trying to define humor is like trying to walk through the wings of a butterfly with a telephone pole.

Now, what exactly is humor? Humor does not necessarily lead to laughter or smiles. The benefits of humor are not just that it makes us smile. In fact, it has the ability to show us that things can be seen in different ways. For some reason, humor is able to create a distinction between the individual and their routines, thus encouraging them to wander and feel something more than what they are used to.

The benefits of humor on our minds

You may not agree, but humor is actually an intellectual activity. Faults in it can affect people’s mental health. Furthermore, controlling our mood can be very valuable in preventing or ameliorating certain mental illnesses. Let’s dive a little deeper into the benefits of humor.

Humor teaches people to be less arrogant, and more humble

Gordon B. Hinckley once said that “To be humble means to recognize that we are not on earth to find out how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others.” Humor undoubtedly affects the lives of many people every day.

When you use humor, arrogance disappears. You realize that it’s okay to have flaws and shortcomings. Suddenly, you begin to realize what is happening around you, instead of just focusing on yourself.

Older couples have fun

Humor helps us find solutions to everyday problems

The benefits of humor are more prominent than you might think. Have you ever noticed the ability humor has to make a bad day better? Now, it is important to know how to take advantage of it. Let it make you witty and spontaneous.

Doing so can undoubtedly help you solve certain problems. Through humor, you can find paths that you never thought of. In addition, when you are in a good mood, you see everything in other colors. Suddenly you feel full of optimism and ready to take matters into your own hands.

Humor makes it easier to adapt to change

It is common to look at new situations as “threatening”. Because of this, we tend to feel anxious in the face of news. However, humor can allow you to communicate better with others. Knowing how to use it can help you relax when you are telling someone else something important (and perhaps difficult), and it usually makes the other person more receptive.

Take advantage of humor to present things others have not seen before. We know that fools were the only ones who criticized the king in the past. As their role as comic entertainers protected them somewhat, they were allowed to deviate from the palace commands.

These are just some of the benefits of humor. There are undoubtedly many more. It’s up to you to discover them while taking advantage of your humor.

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