When Someone Gives You A Hug With Their Eyes

When someone gives you a hug with their eyes

I love the people who have the special ability to give me a hug with their eyes. They may be completely silent and say nothing, but they still reach me in my toughest moments. It’s amazing how they convey so much at just one glance. They do not demand anything from me or pressure me in any way. They’re just standing near me.

They are people who feel at home. It is as if they are magical, with such a big heart that it can hardly fit in the chest. They are experts at reassuring me and helping me spread my wings and fly. They are good and inspiring, but what really sets them apart from others is their love for other people.

I admire them. They are my role models and what I value most in life.

Stars and the moon

Magical people who give you a hug with their eyes

I love their magic. They have an ability to convey peace, inspiration and a sense that every moment you spend with them is special. They are thoughtful, polite and have a great sense of responsibility and respect.

They are masters of non-verbal language,  and always use their words in the perfect moments. They never say too much, or too little. Their words are like a seed they plant in humans. They give them to you so that a beautiful flower begins to grow inside you: confidence. But it will only flourish when you water your soul and take care of yourself.

This is exactly what their magic is. They have this ability to make wonderful things happen from a place of simplicity and humility. But they never give away their secret: internal wisdom.

Their best strategy is to use silence to create emotions, heal wounds, and show others how to do the same. They also know when it’s right to give you a hug if you feel down. Being around them is like being sheltered, because they wear an invisible cloak of peace and security, sewn together by love.

Experts in lighting up dark days

People who give you a hug with their eyes are not just special because of their magic. There is something in the light they bring that also sets them apart from others. They radiate a goodness that shines for miles. Even if you have closed your eyes, you will still be able to feel it because it is so strong.

They are experts at mocking other people’s dark days. These are the days when you find no joy, your motivation has disappeared, and sadness takes over. While they never promise you a rainbow or to be instantly happy, they listen to you. So you feel heard, valued and understood. They make you feel loved.

Heart in hand

These are the people who shine a light when things are dark, but who never force you to shine your own. They understand that everyone needs help in their dark days, so they give you all the light they have.

They have a lot of patience and they are good at giving you space to make mistakes. They are so good at showing empathy to other people that it almost looks like they are from another planet.

They have a special ability to get in touch with, create trust in, and invest in other people. All you need is to meet their islands and you will understand what we mean. “I’m here,” or “do not worry” are two things that your eyes always say.

They will never do anything to hold you back

They will always be there for you, but they will never do anything that will stop you from growing. So they will never be overprotective or tell you that it’s smart to run away or avoid things. They think that once you have picked up the pieces, it is you who must keep going.

People who can give you a hug with their eyes are completely unforgettable. The best thing you can do if you have them in your life is to take care of them, give them your time, and of course appreciate what they do.

Because even though they have infinite affection, they should still get some back. You need to take care of the people who care about you, because they deserve it, and they need it too.

Thank you, you wonderful, magical people who give others a hug with your eyes. Thank you for giving us the great treasure of being in your company.

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