You Know Me Well, But I Do Not Want To Tell You Who I Am Until Finally

You know me well, but I will not tell you who I am until the end

You know me very well. I’m here for you, I only have one chance to get you back, and I just want to reveal my true identity in the end. Answer me honestly –  when was the last time you looked at the stars? What does the LED light on your phone have that the needle sticks of light that filters through the sky do not have?

I’m just trying to get close to you somehow. Because you have some experience in life and know how to get through the input of this scarecrow-filled community with your smartphone. I’m writing to you, the person who loses his ability to surprise himself, because deep down you know who I am.

I want you to listen to me properly

Now that you believe that you hold the only truth of life, and a false sense of stability covers your eyes like sunglasses, now you can listen to me. But… why would you listen to me? You have already traveled around half the world, and you can defend yourself in several languages. But you are never as good at talking to them as you would like to be.

And you may have already read  Hopscotch  and  A Confederacy of Dunces , in addition to One Hundred Years of Solitude. You may have seen the hundred best classic movies you saw on a list made by a guy who said he has seen even more movies than you, whose opinions are so refined that they may as well be universal. How could I tell you anything, you’ve been in love and got your master’s degrees and jumped into the unknown.

Children with teddy bears

You have been amazing so many times… Your feet have walked so fast along the burning sand of endless beaches. You still have the shoes you wore when you danced at the country’s best music festivals. Those who knew before you went for a run, and completely gray with dirt when you got home. You have collected some scars that you can proudly show off to your friends, those who show your sins you can confess, or would be useful if you ever had to prove your bravery. 

Even after all this, I still dare to write to you. I dare to tell you things straight to your face because you know me well, because I am you. It’s true when you’re hurt, I’m in pain too. Those are my scars too. I am like the person you used to be, like the child burning inside you, trapped in a tangle of flesh and bones, but also fear and illusions. I have been blocked by the rules created by some of our ancestors who were intoxicated by power.

I want you to get excited about things again

What I’m saying is that I want you to look at the starry night sky. I want things to be just things and people to be just as important to you as they deserve to be. I need you to get excited about the little things again. I need you to jump in puddles and be able to scare pigeons like the child you were in the park. I want you to avoid the rain and to let yourself get wet without fear.

Happy girl in the rain

Live today because tomorrow may be too late – set aside time for yourself. Share it with those who deserve it, those who make you feel warm, those who do not affect you in a bad way. Because this is what life is all about, sharing. Live it alone or with other people, but be true to your feelings and emotions. Do not disappoint yourself. Be consistent. 

I will let you go now, but not until I tell you I love you. Who loves you more than I do? No. Think about how long I’ve been with you. So I really want you, from an emotional point of view, to start with something simple. It could be a water balloon war, defying gravity on your skateboard, or spending some time thinking of nothing more than kicking around a ball to give that child inside you a chance.

The world is full of people who have not met your expectations, but there are others who will never disappoint you…  and the first type will never be a good example of the second.

I dedicate this song to you – love yourself. It’s a song by Hailee Steinf eld, and it will definitely make you smile.

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